Access Niksic 2015

Project-based learning about the environment

Within the community service project about the environment It’s up to me and you, which was conducted during April, Access Program students planned and participated in different activities. Students prepared and did surveys about how much their friends at schools are aware of environmental problems in our town, they analyzed the results and then presented them to friends in their schools. They also made collages of natural materials and planted flowers on the Earth Day on May 20, 2016. After taking care of flowers on May 27, 2016 students visited Day Care Center for Elderly People in Niksic and gave flowers as presents to the members of the Center. The members were very grateful for this sign of attention. Collages made of natural materials were given to students’ primary schools as presents, while one collage was made a present to primary school “Luka Simonovic” for their great support in implementation of Access Program.

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