Access Niksic 2015

The Academy Award

Access program students had a great honor to meet and talk to Mr Chris Pelzer, film and TV producer, the Academy Award winner for his short movie Molly’s Pilgrim.

Mr Pelzer introduced himself and his work and then students watched the movie. They were very touched by the story and its message.

Then in groups they came up with really interesting questions and discussed how he came up with the idea to start filming, was it difficult to film it, how he felt at the Oscar ceremony, about the ceremony itself, the organization and the red carpet. Some of the students’ questions were: How can we relate this story to today? Is the life of producer stressful? What was the hardest part for filming? How much time did you spend making a film? What do you like about your job? Where do you keep your golden statue? etc.

Mr Pelzer introduced a process of movie making including: choosing the materials, locations, actors, editing, distribution, promotion. He talked about the procedure of applying, competing, being nominated and winning the Academy Award.

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