Access Podgorica

Diversity in the USA – Discussion with Ms Judy Kuo, Charge d’Affaires at the US Embassy Podgorica

Ms Judy Kuo, Charge d’Affaires at the US Embassy Podgorica, made a great contribution to summarizing such an important topic as this – diversity in the U.S.A. This is a topic that has been mentioned many times during Access Podgorica lessons, but through different aspects (equality, life values, gender roles etc.). Ms Judy Kuo gave a great introduction about the diversity of American society and culture. Later, she helped students in preparing speeches about different topics. She was a great interlocutor and each group of students she talked to commented that she was a pleasure to talk to and she thought them something new. Their presentations were successful and on point. The guest was impressed by their ways of thinking and some of the points of view they expressed. Overall, there was an enjoyable cooperation and positive energy during the whole lesson.

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