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Access Niksic

Innovate Your Dreams 2019 – Task 1: A Promising Future

This class was a great opportunity for Access students to find out more about professions in the future and to share their opinions with Fulbright scholar in Montenegro Ms Ciara Hayden.

During this lesson students worked on Task 1 within the project Innovate Your Dreams 2019. It’s a worldwide project whose aim is to help students understand and prepare for the jobs in the future. The main objective of this project is to teach and prepare today’s students for the careers they may have when they finish college and university. It also aims at helping understand STEM education through project-based learning and at teaching students how to build skills they need to succeed in the future. This project will also teach 3 out of the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) described in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

After being introduced to the project students were shown three photos of jobs from the future and they were supposed to guess the type of job and its purpose. Students discussed questions, such as: How can we prepare ourselves for the future in a rapidly changing world? Which jobs do you think will become obsolete? Which jobs will be done by robots instead of humans?

Students were also introduced to the concept of Mind maps. Our guest spent time with students who were working in groups helping them grasp given text and make mind maps.

While presenting their mind maps students gave an outstanding insight regarding the future jobs they were assigned for. After each presentation, other classmates commented on their peers work and asked questions which provoked further discussion.

While participating in discussion with our guest students found out more about International Day of Women and Girls in science. They were encouraged to think about female scientists and came up with some questions for our guest, such as: Did you feel uncomfortable while teaching a male class? Why have you chosen to become an archeologist? Did you have a chance to visit Red Rock? etc.

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