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Access Niksic Access Rozaje

Intensive sessions for Access Niksic and field trip for Access Rozaje in National Park Biogradska Gora and Kolasin

The purpose for organizing visit to National Park Biogradska gora, Kolasin was for students from Rozaje and Niksic to meet each other. The first part of the session was organized at the NP Biogradska gora and the second part in the premises of secondary school “Braca Selic” in Kolasin.
The meeting was carefully planned in order to give students the opportunity to introduce themselves and get to know each other better before the summer camp. Educational goals to discover important information about the National Park, compare and contrast National Parks in the U.S. and Montenegro and develop cooperation skills were achieved.
The first activity revealed two pairs of birthday twins after small groups shared information aimed at presenting themselves to each other.
In mixed groups students went for a 3.400 m long walk around the Biogradsko lake in order to find information regarding NP Biogradska Gora. The first team to complete all the information and return to the base was declared winners of this Scavenger hunt.
The next activity also included moving and quest for information, this time for the purpose of comparing and contrasting National parks in the U.S. and Montenegro. This was a great opportunity for Access students to find out more about National Parks in the USA from Fulbright scholar Ms Madeleine Lewis who was one of the teachers during the day as well.
Through quiz composed of seven different activities (words where they were supposed to write the longest word using the given letters; numbers where they calculated the given number; match the U.S. countries with the capitals; alphabet writing the word next to the definitions; playroom solving puzzles; ABC multiple-choice questions and associations) they developed problem solving and competitive skills and practiced language. In order to make it funny students have different challenges such as to take a plastic plate, put it on their head and hold it with the right arm and then try to draw a star on it with the left arm, to stand still on their left leg for more than 60 seconds or to grab an apple from a plate while they keep their arms at the back. The first three winning groups were given certificates and books, files, bags and pencils/pens as rewards provided by ELTAM and U.S. Embassy Podgorica.
Students were highly thrilled about whole day activities. This was a special opportunity for them to meet each other and to practice English. Their satisfaction was expressed at the end of the day when they evaluated the activities.

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