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Access Niksic

Writing poems with a young poet from Niksic

April 24, 2019 was devoted to National Poetry Month. This was a great opportunity for Access students to try themselves in writing poetry, together with their guest Ms Teodora Ilic, a young poet from Niksic.

At the beginning of the workshop, students asked Teodora a lot of questions about her poetry, how she began writing, what inspires her, and similar. She read one of her poems to our students.

Afterwards, they worked on writing five different types of poems in groups. The topics were: a lying poem, a romantic poem, a modern poem, an advertising poem and Access bio poem. Ms Ilic joined each group and took part in the activity.

Students showed great creativity and wit in their poems. They performed them at the end of the workshop.

Access students Jelena Sucur and Dragana Djurdjevac, who also write poetry, read their own poems at the end of the class. Both students and teachers were delighted to hear them.

The purpose of this activity was to develop our students’ creativity and wit by connecting them with real poets from their community and both giving them the opportunity to write poems on their own.

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