Access Rozaje

Visit to U.S. College Fair

Education USA Advising Center Podgorica, in cooperation with the Embassy of the United States of America in Podgorica, hosted a U.S. College Fair as part of the Education USA Southeastern Europe Recruiting Tour on Monday, April 8, 2019, 17h-19:30h, at Hotel Hilton, Podgorica. Thanks to American Corner Podgorica Access Program students Rozaje had the opportunity to visit it. They were interested to find out about the universities and to talk to their representatives. One more opportunity to talk to native speakers. Some of them are interested in studying medicine in the future, so they asked a lot of questions about it. They were also surprised to learn that there are American colleges in the region as well. Overall information was to be hardworking, try to get good grades, set goals and learn how to apply for a scholarship. One of practical advice they heard was be open-minded and helpful in involving themselves in community services, which is one of the ways to help their communities develop.

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