General news

Mark Andrews’ workshops

School teachers and students from several Montenegrin schools had been privileged to meet Mark Andrews, from “Share One Language” (SOL), Devon. Mark did series of workshops for our teachers and students in the following places:

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  • 11 May – High school “Slobodan Skerovic” Podgorica
  • 12 May – Faculty of Philosophy and Elementary school “Milija Nikcevic” Niksic
  • 13 May – Elementary schools “Kekec” Sutomore and “Marko Nuculovic” Ulcinj
  • 14 May – Elementary school “Drago Milovic” Tivat

Both teachers and students enjoyed these workshops, had the possibility to exchange knowledge and compare interesting facts about cultural heritage of the UK and Montenegro, their cultural and national items and symbols, such as the flag, banknotes, famous people from both countries, their rulers, patrons (St. Andrew, St. George, St. Patrick) etc. It was especially interesting how much Mark knows about Montenegrin history and tradition and how he connected it with British culture.

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