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Access Cetinje

Access Cetinje closure ceremony

People say that all good things come to an end, and unfortunately, the time for closing the Access Cetinje program has come. The ceremony was magnificent, and it will stay in the memory forever. Ms. Judy Rising Reinke, the Ambassador of the USA in Montenegro, held a moving speech in which she thanked the students and the teachers for their hard work and accomplishments. Her Excellency mentioned the parents, individuals, and organizations that were of great support to the program and thanked each one of them for their help and support. Students presented the video they made about their Access journey and explained what this program and the community mean to them. Speeches were also held by Ms. Milka Cerović, Vice President of ELTAM, Mr. Goran Drobnjak, Acting Director General of Directorate for International Cooperation, European Integrations and EU Funds, Ms. Ana Novović, Deputy Mayor of the Old Royal Capital Cetinje and Ms. Natasa Stanojevic, Access Cetinje headteacher.They all emphasized the importance of the Access programs, putting the development of values and skills in the first place. Students presented themselves by sharing their yearbook quotes showing one more time what great young people they are. In the end, Her Excellency issued certificates to the students and teachers and congratulated each one of them personally.Finally, students and teachers had a message for everyone: Access helped us to become a family, a strong one that loves, appreciates, and values its members.

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