Access Podgorica

Fulbright Scholars’ Visit

Access students had the opportunity to meet Fulbright scholars Donna LeFebvre and Bruce Siceloff.

Donna LeFebvre led a discussion about power, control and emotional abuse in dating relationships. Students showed a great amount of interest about this topic and they even shared with the rest of the group some situations they witnessed. They talked about cyber abuse and other kinds of abusing. To recognize an abuser and to stood up for yourself and to help a person in need not just to pass by were lessons learned thanks to Donna who made them think about some things they did not pay attention before.

Bruce Siceloff, also Fulbright Scholar, who is teaching journalism at the university, discussed with students how to prepare an e-magazine. He gave them some advice about the concept of the magazine, how to organize articles in it, how to prepare cover page. In groups students started to work on some topics which will be covered in the next issue.


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