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Access Niksic

Media and Internet

This lesson was dedicated to the Internet and the media as one of the most powerful and most interesting tools around the world in modern times.

Access students had the opportunity to discuss this topic with our guests Ms Dragana Tatic from Political section and Ms Jelena Vojnic from Public Affairs Office in the U.S. Embassy Podgorica.

Students prepared different questions for the guests and the first part of discussion was devoted to some general things connected to the topic. Students asked questions such as: What type of social media do you use the most? What do you think about reality shows?, Do people in the U.S. use social networks more/less than in Montenegro?, Does the American Government or American school system have any specific program to deal with the problem of cyber bullying, and similar.

After this general discussion students worked in five groups, while the guests spent equal amount of time in each of the groups, discussing the five different topics students got. The topics were: Cyber bullying and Internet safety, Media influence on people’s behavior and way of thinking, Social networks, The influence of Internet on human health and behavior/ positive and negative sides, TV and radio and their role today/in the past.

At the end, students shared their conclusions and thoughts.

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