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Access Cetinje

News and Media Literacy

Access Cetinje students met and welcomed Ms. Judy Rising Reinke, the U.S. Ambasador to Montenegro, for the second time and discussed one of the most relevant topic of today’s society ‘News and Media Literacy’. Her Excellency introduced the topic focusing on the aspects of freedom of speech, promoting journalist integrity, personal ability to question information that is coming to you, paying due attention to the source and the motive. Through discussion students became familiar with some new terms related to the topic such as ‘Infodemic’ and ‘Echo chamber’, how might viral and virus correlate in this context, and many other things….They were deeper engaged in discussion while tackling sub-topics in breakout rooms like Fake Media, Media Persuasive Techniques and Types of Media. Ms. Reinke created effective discussion prompts and she was glad that students let their personalities come through suggesting that it is for them to fight for the right information like warriors and not to get used to transmitting the false one. Students pointed out key points on sticky notes in Linoit and wrapped up the discussion with our guest sharing the final thoughts. Students also had the opportunity to conclude the session by taking part in Jamboard game and doing a quiz on Media Literacy. The session was observed by Ms. Jelena Vojnić , Public Affairs Office, U.S. Embassy Podgorica, who also gave her fair share in creating good class atmosphere as always. In the last part of the session, Ms. Judy Rising Reinke emphasized that Media literacy is an important skill one gets better with practice that is very valuable and reminded students that they should work on their authenticity and critical thinking because it’s worth the effort. We were so proud to hear the supportive message Ms. Reinke sent to our students in the end: ‘Life is tough and you are resilient!’

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