Access Podgorica

Red Cross – First aid presentation

On April 25, 2018 Access students were observers and participants in a very important life skill presentation-First Aid. Red Cross Podgorica, in cooperation with professor of First aid at the Medical high school, organized a lecture about the basics of giving the first aid to someone in need based on the most common injuries, illnesses and students’ questions. They also presented the Red Cross organization and their volunteering work.

This lesson was interesting, informative and useful. Students learned more about the Red Cross organization and how to join their volunteers and participate in their many community service projects. The main part of the lesson was dedicated to the students’ personal development and learning some new important life  skills.The  doctor and volunteers (including Access students) explained how to react in case of emergency considering the most common injuries and illnesses using the basics of the first aid. First, professor Rakocevic presented the first mandatory steps (securing the area, introducing yourself to the injured person, checking the types of injuries, calling the ambulace) and continued with specific ways of helping. His volunteers practically presented (using mannequins and props) how to do CPR and solve many other issues. Their presentation was done in English language. Our students  asked questions. Mostly about the things they can encounter in every day life. They also tried performing CPR and Heimlich maneuver. Students loved the interaction and the fact that they learned something really practical and useful.


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