General news

Registration for the 1st International / 5th National ELTAM Montenegro Conference is now open!

Registration for the 1st International / 5th National ELTAM Montenegro Conference is now open!

The English Language Teachers’ Association of Montenegro ELTAM is organizing its first International and fifth National Conference for English Language Teachers ELTAM Days 2019, sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Podgorica, and supported by the Regional English Language Office – RELO (Belgrade), Faculty of Philology (Niksic), Pearson Education (Belgrade) and SOL (Sharing One Language). The program of the two-day Conference has been accredited by the Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro (Program No. 32, Catalogue of Professional Development Programs for Teachers ). ELTAM Days 2019 will be held on June 21-22, 2019, at the Faculty of Philology in Niksic. The theme of the Conference is Empowering 21st Century Learners and Educators: Meeting Challenges, Exploring Solutions.

The aim of the Conference is to enhance professional skills of English language teachers by exploring innovative applications of new technology in the classroom, reflecting on methods and techniques to develop 21st century skills and sharing experiences and good practices.

Here you will find details of what will be taking place at ELTAM Days 2019:

Conference Program (tbc)

Plenary speakers

Registration and conference fees

Conference venue


Call for proposals submission deadline: 19 March 2019

Registration: 8 April 2019 – 17 May 2019

Conference: 21-22 June 2019

Please choose one of the proposed online forms to fill out:

Participant registration form for international participants.

Participant registration form for teachers from Montenegro.

Note for Montenegrin participants: Official attendance certificate will be issued by the Bureau for Education Services only to the participants who have attended both days of the Conference.

Please contact us ( or ELTAM’s FB page) if you have any questions or require further information.

We look forward to seeing you in June!

ELTAM team

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Produžen rok za prijavu za besplatni dvogodišnji program učenja engleskog jezika za učenike/ce prvog i drugog razreda srednjih škola iz opština Podgorica, Tuzi, Zeta i Danilovgrad


Besplatni dvogodišnji program učenja engleskog jezika u Niksicu
