Access Niksic 2015

Visit to Day Care Centre for children with disabilities

Taking part in the activities with kids from Day Care Center for children with disabilities Access students developed empathy and volunteering skills. They spent time helping those children color different Halloween worksheets brought by Flex alumni. Students established friendly communication with the children and enjoyed making different clay objects for them. While doing that, students were very careful and patient, trying to fulfill all the wishes children had. Access students taught children some words in English and answered their questions. One boy asked funny questions about Santa Claus, e.g. Does he speak Montenegrin and how can he communicate with that Santa Claus. He also asked questions like: How did you come here from the U.S./ Where is your plane/ How do you live in the U.S., etc. He was actually convinced that Access students came from the U.S. Students gave children the cards they had made on the previous lesson and children were excited and happy. At the end of the workshop students took part in planting a tree which Flex alumni brought as a present to the Day Care Center.

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