Access Niksic 2015

Visit to the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica

Access Program students visited the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica. During this visit students talked to Mr B. Bix Aliu, Charge D’ Affairs of the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica, Ms April Hyne, Consul and Ms Jelena Vojnic and Ana Bogavac from Public Affairs Office. Mr Aliu discussed with students how the Embassy works and talked about five different departments within the Embassy. Students asked him questions about his duties in the Embassy, and similar. Some of the questions were: What do you like about your job?; Why do Americans want to invest money in Montenegro? How long is your working day and do you go to America from time to time?, etc. After that, they went to the Consulate and talked to Consul Ms Hayne. Ms Hayne told them some details about the process of getting an American visa. Students asked questions like: Do applicants get panicked while waiting for the interview; Does everyone get a visa, etc.

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